Deep down, we are all Stanley Hudson. He tells it like it is and never apologizes unless he thinks he’s wrong. He told that to his first wife and his current wife and he’ll tell his next wife, too. After all, who wouldn’t want to be on a beach instead of at work? Florida Stanley smiles. Florida Stanley is happy to go to work. Florida Stanley is who you want on your Florida team.
Every 1.25″ soft enamel pin is secured with a rubber clutch to keep it safe whether you’re counting down the days until the next pretzel day or trying to get jury duty so you can go sit in an air conditioned room, downtown, judging people, while your lunch is paid for…that is the life.
Stanley pins are also available as part of the Office Mix-and-Match Pin Set or as part of the Office Pin Collection.
Browse the full Office collection here.
Amy H –
Got this for a friend. She loved it! Detail is spot on.
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